I'd appreciate it if anyone has any suggestions to my problem :L. I don't know what's going on but after searching around, Im not the only who's having this problem. I don't even go to the forums anymore after my shop got closed ( didnt feel like opening a new one). Then later that night I noticed I was banned.

I actually logged in the morning of the day I got banned to do my usual routine of checking my messages and the market for more GC weapons. This is a load of crap, had over 10m that I earned from mainly Merching GC weapons. I sent an email a few times to but I didn't get any reply. I tried logging in a few days ago to get the message that I was banned from the 'forum' with the reason being 'scamming'. That's all I do, no leaving the inner-city for anything anymore. Stop by and say hi, ask any questions you have, and share your ideas.My IGN on DF is Brooklyn and I barely even play besides logging in from time to time to see if any of my items were bought. There's a dedicated category for the game there titled DF: Still Alive. Also, 'Death Row' is not the same as Lerwillbury, people just like to talk as if it was the same, since Lerwillbury is one of the deepest districts of the Inner City. Well, thats rather normal, multiple block names on the map exist twice. With that said, you can follow our progress in the Official Dead Frontier Discord server. Release The Beast 19:01, Febru(UTC)Release The Beast. This project is still in active development and an ETA hasn't been settled on just yet. More excitingly, all of the old soundtracks you know and love will also be getting remastered.

For example, satisfying reverb to weapon firing sound effects while indoors that reflects the size of the area. There will also be improvements to the sound elements. collects users IP addresses to count profile visits and stores cookies on the client(s). This includes eye-candy such as real-time lighting, shaders that create a unique 2.5D look, and added detail to effects like gore. This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Dead Frontier Online Zombie MMO.

Thanks to using a game engine over Flash, plus other advancements in graphics rendering, we're remastering the game's visuals giving it major a face-lift. Now for the cherry on top, we will also be integrating Steam leaderboards and achievements. Long term progressions outside of matches will unlock higher-end equipment, professions, maps, mutators (modifies existing game rules for a change of pace), difficulties, and more challenging game modes.